Episode 10

Business Investments: When and How to Start Investing in Your Business

In this episode of the Soul & Success podcast, I want to talk to you about something that's close to my heart – the importance of investing in your business. You see, I can't stress enough how crucial it is to maintain a consistent and predictable client generation strategy while also making room in your budget for growth. So, take a moment to review your business plan, strategize for the future, and ensure that you're fully prepared for any gaps or transitions in your business. This episode is packed with valuable insights on why investing in your business is the key to long-term success.


[00:02:03] Investing in your business.

[00:06:23] Investing in your business.

[00:09:21] Low spend ads and PR.

[00:13:33] Investing in self-development skills.

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Emely Roman

As a fractional marketing leader, Emely Roman excels in transforming challenges into success. With a proven track record in the B2B and tech sectors, she's orchestrated strategies that led to a staggering $85million ARR. Today, she spearheads Emely Roman & Co. Here she specializes in empowering women in B2B marketing, steering them towards career-defining wins and propelling their executive brands.

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