Episode 8

Maternity Leave and Business Growth: How I Managed Both

In this episode, I'll share my experience of planning my maternity leave while growing my brand and business. I want to take you through my decision to let go of my marketing agency, my move to Costa Rica, and the challenges I faced in setting things up. It wasn't just me going through changes; my husband left his job during this period too. But, despite all these shifts, I managed to achieve significant success with my clients. So, tune in to learn how I managed my maternity leave and continued to thrive in my business.


[00:00:12] Planning maternity leave around business.

[00:07:06] Postpartum depression and anxiety.

[00:11:15] Coming back to the United States

[00:14:38] Redefining success for women entrepreneurs.

[00:21:52] Protecting yourself as an entrepreneur.

[00:24:37] Protecting your business revenue.

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Emely Roman

As a fractional marketing leader, Emely Roman excels in transforming challenges into success. With a proven track record in the B2B and tech sectors, she's orchestrated strategies that led to a staggering $85million ARR. Today, she spearheads Emely Roman & Co. Here she specializes in empowering women in B2B marketing, steering them towards career-defining wins and propelling their executive brands.

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